Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Picture Blocks

"Little Jeffrey is attracted to the colorful blocks beside him and realizes that the various pieces of images from the blocks would form a specific and much bigger image by following the separate block with 6 full images in it. So he gathers the blocks and combines the 4 sides with the same colors and arranges it in a manner that he would recognize from the separate block."

Single action involved: TURN
The user would be turning the blocks from side to side in order to come up with a specific image that he/she would be able to point out or recognize from the separate block. It can actually be a game wherein the separate block could be rolled like a dice and whatever image comes out on top would be the image that the user(s) have to come up with from the 4 blocks.

The targeted user group for this toy would be kids ages 3-5 years old. The main objective of this toy would be to help kids at a young age to develop their visual senses by being able to recognize certain images and colors that would match and go together. The sense of touch is also significant since the user(s) would have to turn the blocks from side to side when looking for the images that go together. If the user is more than one then this toy would also help to develop a sense of teamwork wherein the users would help one another to achieve a common goal.

For the visibility, the user would not be able to tell what the pieces of images are trying to show just by looking at one side of a block. The separate block with 6 full images would serve as their guide. For the affordance, the user would hopefully realize what action must be done once they see the different sides that don't look right and don't match with one another. For the feedback, they will know that their input had a positive effect when they see a bigger and much recognizable image that they can relate to from the separate block. There is no mapping required and there is no constraint in this toy because it doesn't tell the user(s) what it can and it can't do.

Material for the mock up toy: cardboard
Material for the real toy: wood

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